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Helpful Models for Understanding Emotions

We all experience emotions, in different ways, and to different effects. In this session, we'll discuss some interesting models for understanding and working with our own emotions, and those of others.


  • TUE
    07 FEB
  • 07:00 PM

07 February 2023 Tuesday, 07:00 PM GMT

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This discussion will be facilitated by NeuroDevelopment Institute co-founders, Deirdre Morrison and Gabriella Benko. Both are certified and accredited applied neuroscience practitioners, with individual practices, specialising in using cutting edge brain-aware techniques to unlock human potential. 

Gabriella Benko

Co-Founder, NeuroDevelopment Institute,
NeuroLeader Coach

Deirdre Morrison

Co-Founder, NeuroDevelopment Institute
NeuroCreative Studio