Brain Awareness Week: Fun Facts Brain Quiz for Everyone!

Monday, 13 March 2023
06:00 PM GMT


Webinar Session has ended now.

How much do you know about your brain?
Funnily enough, many of us go through life without paying much attention to this amazing organ that controls the experience of our journey through life.

Our brains do so many incredible things, and the more we know about them and understand them, the better our ability to support them will be.

Don't worry if you don't know your neurons from your neurotransmitters or your axons from your amygdala, don't worry - we're going to find out some very cool things AND in case you want to try this out with your friends, we'll also have a download of the  quiz that you can keep and try out on other people!

This fun, family quiz event will help you find out how much you know about the brain – and maybe learn some new things too! If you like, you can keep score to see who the real brainiac is in your family!